My kids are 7 and 9. Their friends are rejecting them. Will this scar or ruin them?
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How Much Do I Protect My Kids From Ba...
Parenting would be a lot easier if there was a simple formula we could use for every child. But there isn’t one. There's not even a good formula suitable for every unique family. For every distinct family, parenting is a fragile balancing act between teaching, protecting, and then giving respon...
How Do I Respond to My 10 Year Old's ...
My 10 year old son is a sports nut. Obsessed with football. How do I respond to this? What’s the right balance? Is obsession ever a good thing?
How you can interpret the world for your 10-year-old and show him the value of lifelong learning.
Should I Start a Business in the U.S....
I'm 28 and I think I’m ready to start my own business. Should I get started in the US or in some other country? How do you count the cost to stay in your home nation or venture everything to live like a free man overseas?