What happened to 100 Deadly skills combat edition?
I had the same question. John, what happened to the 100 DSCE series?
Ive got the same question. What happened to the 100 DSCE series? It was among the best on here.
I would like it to be brought back. There was good information in it. Many of the techniques would be good for one step sparring.
Yeah I was really loving it. Had a lot of great tips and tricks. But before I could get through all of the episodes it disappeared.
I agree with all the above posts....i only joined the WPSN originally just to watch the 100 deadly skills videos. I love the other content, me personally the Masters Zone and the Craig SouthNarc CQC are my favorites i re-watch every few months...I worry that Masters Zone and Craig's videos will also disappear
I would imagine they have some sort of lease agreement for the videos they don't own. 100 Deadly Skills was taken down about a year after it went up, perhaps that was the term of the lease agreement. I would love to see it back though, that was my favorite show after War Poet.
You know who knows...? The dude or dudette moderating these posts.
Same question as all the others. Just reupped my membership and it is gone...
Is the book useful?
Yes, the book is useful! It contains written information as well as a video for each skill.