Was 100 deadly skills removed from the network? I’ve been trying to find it but I’m pretty, well… crappy, with technology.
Yeah, I think it has been removed unfortunately :( I looked for it using the "SEARCH". It doesn't show up.
Those are the handful of videos that led up to the series that was here on WPSN. It appears the series has been pulled.
Thanks buddy!
I was just looking for it as well, but no luck. Curious as to why they removed it. Can anyone from WPSN confirm if the removal is permanent?
I’m not exactly referred to as brain wave, so take it with a grain of salt, but if I had to guess there was some type of contractual obligation that was met and it’s the end of an era.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too, Matt. If that’s the case, it would be nice if they could reach an agreement to archive it so those of use who’d like to see it could have access to it. It seemed like a great show.
Completely agree but I cannot complain with the quality of content everywhere so we’ll let the growing pains slide!
I concur, too. I hadn't finished it yet, and there's an OCD kid in my head who is screaming at me...
I think Clint Emerson may have started a you tube channel or he may have his own website. His company has grown quite a bit but I'm not really sure about that so don't quote me 😃. I'm gonna look into that myself because I liked his stuff on WPSN a lot.
Matt, I totally agree about the quality of the rest of the content. The videos on here are top notch.
Same boat, Patrick. Welcome aboard the USS OCD.
My knowledge of guys like Dom Roso, Bill Rapier, Pat Mac and Rich Graham all came out of 100 deadly skills. Sad to see it go though..
I just noticed on the main pre-login page and 100 DS is still listed along with some other shows, like Real World Tactical, that aren’t available. I wonder if each series is just going to have a limited run.
Would really like a solid answer. I too really enjoyed the show, but didn't get to finish it. If it is available somewhere else that would also be nice to know. It was a great show. Thanks to John Lovell and the rest of his crew. This whole network is great and I really love the content. Keep up the good work!