Dirty Bird Industries Complete AR Build Test & Review
We take the Dirty Bird Industries AR to the range, test its accuracy, go over its features, and what I think of it overall 🇺🇸
DOD Acceptance Stamp shirt: https://mrgunsngear.org/3eqjpI0
Nine Line Apparel shirts [including Keep Calm]: (discount code MRGUNS20): https://glnk.io/nxl/mrgunsngear
1776 United shirts: (use code Mrgunsngear for 20% off): https://mrgunsngear.org/3cr4lXU
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Up Next in Mrgunsngear
Battle Steel Level III+ Lightweight &...
We take the Battle Steel Level III+ M855/M80 rated lightweight armor plates to the range to see what they can and can't stop 🇺🇸
Link to pick up the plates: https://mrgunsngear.org/3n4Ppoz
Nine Line Apparel shirts [including Keep Calm]: (discount code MRGUNS20): https://glnk.io/nxl/mrgunsngear
Trijicon 1-8x VCOG SCO Review_ The US...
We take the new Trijicon 1-8x FFP VCOG SCO (squad common optic), which has been selected by the USMC as their new optic, to the range, go over its features, and what I think of it as an optic for an average Infantryman 🇺🇸
Trijicon 1-8x VCOGs: https://mrgunsngear.org/39tJgyQ
Operator shirt: http...
US Military Surplus Flak Vest_ Does I...
We take a US military surplus PASGT flak vest to the range to see if it still works and if it'll stop anything 🇺🇸
Link to pick one up: https://mrgunsngear.org/3NUm77N
Nine Line Apparel shirts [including Keep Calm]: (discount code MRGUNS20): https://glnk.io/nxl/mrgunsngear
1776 United shirts: (...