Skillet’s John Cooper joins Rick in The Tavern for a very frank discussion of how NOT to be the title of his new book, “Wimpy, Weak, & Woke.” From Captain America quotes to the riots in Cooper’s hometown of Kenosha, WI and Kyle Rittenhouse, Rick and John dig deep into what it means to be a principled and courageous American during these troubled times.
Up Next in Season 1
Fighting for Freedom - The Tavern EP02
Rick is joined in The Tavern by UFC's 4th-ranked lightweight Beneil Darush and the hero who stopped the mass murderer in Dallas Texas, Dom Akins.
The country will continue its downward track to an unfree America if people like Beneil Darush and Dom Akins were to step aside.Fill your mug, grab a...
We Hold These Truths - The Tavern EP01
Rick is joined in The Tavern by Warrior Poet Society founder John Lovell and West Virginia State Legislator Elias Coop-Gonzales. Tyrants have no limits and will only be stopped when free people hold the line. The Warrior Poet Way requires tactical awareness of your societal surroundings as much a...