Order Of Man
Most of my childhood was spent without a permanent father figure. I never learned how to work on my car. I never had the chance to roughhouse with my dad. I didn’t even learn how to throw a baseball correctly until I was a freshman in high school. Looking back on it now, I wonder how my life would have been different if I had a permanent male influence in my life. What would the world look like if there were more men in it? I’m not talking about males. I’m talking about MEN (there is a difference). Now that I have sons, I’m committed to being the dad that I never had. We do all kinds of great things together – sports (I coach ALL their teams), build tree houses, and roughhouse ’til we’re exhausted.
As I talk with other men, I can see that there is a huge need for learning how to be a better father. But I’ve also seen a need for strong and honorable men outside of the home. Guys, we’re losing the meaning of manhood. We’ve gone away from being strong, rugged, independent, and tough to a collection of wimpy, dependent, whiners. Something has got to be done! And that is why I started Order of Man. We’re going to take back what it means to be a man. We’re going to learn together from the best men the world has to offer. And we’re going to return to our roots of masculinity.
I am not an expert. I am learning. And, the only thing that qualifies me to do this work is that I have a passion for self-improvement. My goal is to take my shortcomings in life and make them my strengths. I didn’t get to learn from great men most of my young life but I figure it’s never to late to start. Join me and let’s become better men together.
The Perfect Nighttime Routine | EP28
How to craft a perfect formula for your day? Often the evening routine is being left out.
The 4 Golden Rules of Sovereignty | EP27
There is a war being waged on multiple fronts for the control over your life.
Balance Acquisition with Application of Knowledge | EP26
In this Episode Ryan Michler talks about balancing the acquisition of knowledge and the application of it.
Winning the War | EP25
Ryan discusses the culture wars that are being waged against men in our society as we are slowly but surely being stripped of our masculinity.
Render Yourself Obsolete | EP24
Ryan explains the rational for helping others become independent, and removing ourselves from the equation. Give others opportunity by stepping back.
Your Marching Orders...For Now | EP23
Remember Who You Are | EP22
Mental Maintenance Program | EP21
The Trap of Comparison | EP20
The Futile Pursuit of Happiness | EP19
Consistency Trumps Talent | EP18
Confidence is Earned | EP17
Keys to Building Wealth | EP16
Strategies for Raising Kings | EP15
Iron Sharpens Iron | EP14
The Two Tiers of Accountability | EP13
Who You Are | EP12
Leadership VS Influence | EP11
Becoming A Patriarch | EP10
Fix Yourself First | EP09
90-Day Battle Plan | EP08
Falling Prey to the Doctrine of Popular Culture | EP07
Men & Money | EP06
7 Books Every Man Should Read | EP05