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Donald Trump is found guilty on all counts by a New York City courtroom and declared a felon. John Lovell lets loose on the ruling and the terrible realities facing our Republic in the lead-up to the November 2024 election.
Up Next in New Releases
It’s time for citizens to be the boss...
Representative Ken Ivory joins Rick in The Tavern to discuss the real time emergency rally cry for citizens to start engaging effective strategies and tactics for a course correction in America.
Are Video Games BAD for you?? Botkin ...
John Lovell goes head to head with lifelong gamer Lucas Botkin of T.Rex Arms to discuss the pros and cons of the most powerful entertainment industry ever.
Hot Cup of Freedom - Fabulous!
Johnny is fired up once again, but does he go too far...or not far enough? Hot Cup of Freedom coming at you from DC, Ohio, the SCOTUS, and more!