Everything is so complicated so let's simplify one thing: Gun Control
I break down the two truths you need to know to win any gun control debate.
History and logic can't be argued with and this is just about the easiest debate, ever.
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Up Next in Good Patriot
What The HEALTH Is This
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My ONE minute take on GUN CONTROL
First and foremost, before anyone gets sensitive - THIS IS NOT A CALL TO VIOLENCE.
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You discuss how you'd like to proceed with your network of local Patriots.
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How To Fight Back - Part 2 | Our Army
This is not a battle we can fight on our own so let's talk about how to set-up our trusted network to go through this new life with.
If you have more tips for setting up our groups and system, please share in the comments!
- GPTo access my "PREPPING SPECIAL" page:
1. go to my website www.goodpa...