Has Society LITERALLY Been BRAINWASHED? YES - and you need to know about this!
Good Patriot
This is one of the most important videos I've done. YES - some have been brainwashed and I'm going to show you how it happened and if there's anything we can do about it before things go very badly. PLEASE SHARE!
S U P P O R T Good Patriot:
W e b s i t e : https://www.goodpatriot.com
P a y P a l (donations): [email protected]
A f f i l i a t e L i n k s w/ D i s c o u n t s: https://campsite.bio/GoodPatriot
Up Next in Good Patriot
What does non-compliance REALLY mean ...
Everybody wants mass non compliance until it's time to face "non-compliance" shhhtuff.
In this video, I break down how to think three steps ahead so massive job losses and supply chain issues don't get the best of us.
+ Pep talk is the last 3+ minutes :)Thank you and please support me by buy...
Q & A with Good Patriot - real answer...
Our first round of Q & A. All the time stamps and links are listed below for reference. Enjoy!
0:00 - Awesome brain headgear
0:25 - non-obvious things that you can barter/trade when SHTF
Bosnian article: https://www.thepowerhour.com/news/items_disappearfirst.htm
2:00 - best tips for new shoot... -
FOOD & WATER Prepping - How To Fight ...
Harvest Right Freeze Dryers: https://harvestright.com/
My Patriot Supply Freeze Dried Food:
Berkey Water Filters: (code: GoodPatriot5): www.usaberkeyfilters.com
GoodPatriot Support Page: https://www.goodpatrio...