Hi, folks. Aspiring dirty civilian here. My question is around the principles that should drive gear decisions for bugging out in WROL with no clear destination. I've heard some folks compare this to presence patrolling.
Scouring the internet, I found some references like Joe Dolio (author of the Tactical Wisdom series of books) who suggested the USMCE ILBE since this pack is a combination of both a ruck and an assault pack. When you get to a patrol base, you can dump your ruck and quickly put on your assault pack for patrols. He argues that this ILBE is built for these situations where there's limited resupply, something marines typically have to do.
Given it's been years since the creation of the ILBE, I've been trying to find similar ruck/assault attachable setups offered by companies like Eberlestock, Hill People Gear, Mystery Ranch, etc... but no luck. Some folks in forums have also suggested that having an assault pack attacked to your ruck is not as great as it seems, but they offered no alternative for these presence patrol scenarios.
So I thought I'd post here and source any information from folks that might have experience in these scenarios. What should our gear philosophy be here? Is this the right approach? Any gear recommendations?