Thinking about the latest JLS show... What would be the top things that people would recommend getting at this point as well as the unsaid and often missed? The things that after the event happens you wished you had? I know that I lack in the small things like toothbrushes, floss, water, food, etc.
I think John touched on it during that episode, but a good place to start is with food and water as you said, along with ways to make/get more. Think water filters, a means of boiling water or cooking food (stove and fuel, things to start fires with).
Also, medical supplies -- daily stuff you use for hygiene (including dental) and small wounds, as well as any prescriptions you may need -- It is good to have emergency medical equipment but the best first thing you can get in this area is training. I recommend a CPR/First Aid class, one that is marketed towards providers at the very least.
If you want to knock it out of the park, go for a Wilderness First Responder course as a starting point - it covers the basics of medical treatment when no one else is coming to help, and a good deal of improvisation strategies. NOLS has a great hybrid version of the class that requires 5 days in person.
Beyond these things, having a basic set of tools for breaking into/out of structures like an axe, a crowbar and a hammer go a long way towards making sure you can access your preps in the event of structural damage. On the same line of thinking, a stock of some basic PPE like work gloves, dust masks, safety glasses, can help you out in a disaster. A fire extinguisher or blanket - don't let your stuff burn down before or after an emergency.
After this, putting together a get-home bag relevant to your area/commute would be good. There's a video series on the network about it I believe.
Last, keep a realistic idea of what/how long you are prepared for, and have a plan for what happens if you can't get to your stuff or if you run out.
I'm sure others will have things I missed, but this is a start.
God be with you,
Daniel Halcomb
Good news is that this topic has been around forever. There are tons of good resources to check out. him and his wife have been preaching this a long time and assembled a book called dare to prepare. But all the info from the book is available for free under the "free prep" tab on the top left.
Also, and though beware, they were accused of conspiracy info stuff. Do your own vetting on these sites.
I am always looking for more places to learn and add supplies. All suggestions welcome.
I think one thing to keep in mind is what is the most probable threat(s) - i.e. hurricane/earthquake/tornado all the way to zombie apocalypse. As fun (Swiss Family Robinson or Robinson Crusoe) as the zombie invasion is to think about, it's also the least likely (at this point). For me, I look at where I live and scenario out the events that would be more probable, and then focus on those I do look at longer term events and I do prep for them, but remember the probability declines for them. Water, shelter (weather extremes) and food are the highest priority. Add security, communications, medical, etc.
The last part I've been thinking more about is not just surviving, but thriving. One of my favorite lines from the movie "The Croods" is when Eep says to her father - "That's not living. That's just not dying." So, what does thriving mean for me and my family? I add those to my preps.