I recently moved to Tucson, Arizona. I am a retired Army Combat Medic. If there are any other members in this area that are open to networking, training, etc with like minded folks, I would be happy to connect.
Not Tucson, but I am in Mesa.
Welcome to the Old Pueblo Dave and thank you for your service. If you are interested in doing some volunteer work related to your military training specialty you might want to check out a fantastic group called Integrated Community Solutions to Active Violence Events (ICSAVE.org), headed up by Bruce Whitney, a former USAF medic and EMT. They run a huge number of Stop the Bleed training sessions at schools, public service, churches, and civic groups in southern Arizona. All of the instructors have professional backgrounds and we are always dealing with too many requests and not enough people to help situations.
If you are serving on a church security team (or would like to) I suggest you check out the Arizona Church Security Network (AZCSN; www.arizonachurchsecuritynetwork.com). This group runs a variety of firearm (pistol and rifle) training sessions at very reasonable prices, has monthly meetings dealing with a wide range of security-minded topics, advanced TECC medical courses, realistic deescalation training, as well as more applied tactical decision making classes. Instructors are all retired military/LE. Again, welcome to Tucson.
Hey Guys, I live in Tucson. I just got back the practical medical response class with Patrick. It was great! I would love to meet up with any of you guys. Dave sounds like you could be valuable in helping me continue on my medical skills journey.