Tonight I was stopping at Trader Joes here in Indianapolis and some lady in the parking lot asked me as I got out of my car: "Did you hear that?
I was oblivious, having just parked. She said a car had just flipped and, across the divide on 82nd St, there it was. She was calling 911 and I thought "I have to go see if I can help" and pulled out my car trauma / med kit and closed the trunk.
Then I froze.
I thought "Medical is on its way. I don't need to do this." But that was BS. Really I was scared of what I might find across the way if things were really bad. I mean, a truck flipped. My mind started filling with terror.
I sucked it up and went across the street.
The SUV was on its driver side in the grass off to the right of the direction they'd been travelling, and the car it had hit was really messed up in the rear. No idea how the heck that bunch of physics interactions worked.
But I called out, asking if anyone needed help. The answer quickly came back "No". Everyone was out of the vehicles and walking around under their own power and no one seemed overly concerned. A few seconds later a police cruiser arrived and the ambulance was not far behind so I went to go do my food shopping before they closed.
If I had never taken Med 1 & 2 with Doc T, I would never have thought to go help. I certainly would not have had any gear to treat anyone. And I certainly would never have had the mindset that I HAD to go try and help despite my fear.
I am grateful that my help was not needed. And I am very grateful for the training and mindset adjustment WPS gave me.
Train hard, train smart, folks.