I notice in some of the videos yall say the distance to target. Most were pretty close 7 yards or so. What do you recommend for practice distances for pistol then rifle ??? Whats the distance of the range in Rifle one They are using??? Thanks so much.
I think this is a great question. And I'm very interested to see what the group has to contribute. It boils down to practice how you would fight. If you see the potential for taking 40 yard pistol shots practice accordingly. Statistically most gun fights go down within 7 yards and are over within seconds. Being proficient with your tools is the name of the game. If I head to the range and practicing for home defense scenarios is the plan, I don't go out beyond 25 yards with rifle or pistol. If I go to the range getting prepped for hunting season I would start at 100yards (assuming all my rifles were zeroed from previous season).
Hey thanks. Yeah since I’m new here and also never been to a real range I was curious. I have lots of land with plenty of non livable border land so I’ve always just shot in the yard so to speak. I have a large berm where when I had some land cleared I told the bulldozer guy to push it all up high in a pile. Thus I feel safe shooting where I am. But have never measured out anything to know really how far I’m shooting from. So thank you for the comment and hope to get more.
Having your own private range is awesome! Watch the training videos and go practice.
Great topic for discussion. For me, living in suburbia Dallas/Ft Worth, I tend to practice at the distances that I think I most likely will have to fight. Dark, no glasses and across the room/down the hall distances.
Of course, statistically we are all more susceptible to being attacked out and away from our home - so we have to keep that in mind.
I am of a belief that more important than distance is movement - mine and the target's -
-One who stands still gets shot (if Confucius didn't say it he should have LMAO).
Chris gave great advice - above, try to figure out what you will need and go from there
- Jealous of your outdoor space!
I work mostly 15yds and in with my pistol, but 20% of the time I spend out to 25 yds. I feel its good to be versatile, and the longer range practice does improve my overall accuracy. And for the rifle I just need more trigger time moving and shooting. As said above being proficient is the key, on both platforms in my opinion.
Another thing! Get a shot timer, if you want to improve anything, you have to measure it. How ever you choose?
Yep for me, I work with my pistol practice at 7-15 yards. That mostly encompasses a lot of scenarios in my house and likely out of the home.That being said, for a home invasion or maybe close in encounters up to 25yards, my go to would be my AR9. I’m way, way more accurate with the 9mm PCC over my pistol, especially under high stress and having a 30 round capacity is a major plus as well.
Why the AR9 or any PCC actually? Once at a rifle size platform why not use a rifle caliber?
Mostly because of close quarter over penetration concerns. Much much lighter and shorter with maneuverability than my current 5.56 AR15’s. I’d probably strap on both depending on time and situation in all honesty.