Hi all! I just joined WPSN about 5 minutes so I'm really excited to learn / watch great content. I understand the need/reasoning for a WML on a home defense gun, but what about a CCW? I've just ordered a new pistol (43x MOS) and after looking for holsters it got me thinking about this.
The 43x will be for CCW and I plan on getting a dedicated home defense pistol (Glock 45). I guess I'm just wondering, if I have a dedicated CCW and HD weapons, does that negate the need for a WML on my CCW? Hopefully that all made sense the way I worded that, haha.
Thanks in advance!
Paul Perkerson (WPS Training Director) often quotes a few axia:
1. This is 80% hard-and-fast evidence mechanics, and 20% art form.
2. Everything is a trade-off. Make sure you understand your most probable context and then make a decision that works for you. Then do that and train, train, train. Have a defensible reason for your choice better than, "Because John Lovell does it!"
I think that you'll be like the rest of us and you'll find you'll have some buy-once-cry-once moments that you'll cry twice for. Just shelved a buttstock on a build and an optic mount that sucked. Didn't work for my context.
For example, if you're going to have one weapon (i.e. you're not a rich YouTuber with unlimited budget), you'll probably start with one weapon. The probability that you can buy a dedicated weapon for home defense (Paul talks often about answering threats in his underwear, but don't think about that too long or you'll want to bleach your brain) and one for EDC (every-day-carry) / CCW and the amount of time that your budget will allow you to execute that purchase in make a difference in what you do.
My strategy is to keep my options open. So you might by something, and then as you add on, you might find that those purchases were a waste. Buy from a place with a liberal return policy!
But perhaps the biggest thing is to get what you think is going to work for your context, then...TRAIN HARD WITH IT! There are instructors and others on the range who will be jerks and laugh at your gear. Screw that! Who cares! Be bold to learn. No one becomes an expert by watching YouTube. It can close some gaps, but in this space, you'll find bullies who just want to laugh at you and call you a LARPer. Who cares. Those same people won't be there to answer the call in the dead of night in your context. That's on you.
You're headed in a great direction at the beginning of a journey. Be bold to ask people doing it (Check! You're doing that!) and then don't hesitate to deviate from that. Also, don't hesitate to say, "Yep. That purchase was a dud." later if you find your idea wasn't as good as you'd have liked. Innovate. And Learn. Someone once told me that "Plans are necessary. Plans are what you deviate from when you make first contact."
I have a G5 G19 with an Insight Wild 2 in a Safariand holster that I wear as a drop-leg and everyone makes fun of me. Which is fine. Exactly zero percent of them will be at my side in the SHTF. So I train hard with it. I have my context and my reasons. They have theirs. They're not wrong. They're not me. Or you.
I also EDC a Springfield XDS in a Urban Carry G3 because...in my context, it's got drawbacks, but it's not a gimmick. It works well for my context, and...forget the haters. Again. Exactly zero of them are sitting with me. So I train hard with it, and I understand the limitations of my choice by....PURPOSEFUL PRACTICE!
Welcome to the WPS community. I'm not affiliated with them, but I have a passion for teaching people, and I love people with the boldness and humility and excitement to ask questions. It shows courage. Hope my babbling helped....(if you got this far!)
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate this attitude, and how refreshing it was to read your post, compared to so many forums where "Do this because So and So said to!" is the final answer. Your acknowledgement that what works for you may not work for me, and vis a versa, while encouraging the experimenter to proceed boldly but with humility, shows a lot of wisdom and experience.
I also! agree ! one size didnt fit all !