After watching John bring a message about the "Lion and the Lamb" I thought this would be a great place to share your thoughts about God's word and how it impacts Warrior Poets.
I can't wait to hear from you.
After watching John bring a message about the "Lion and the Lamb" I thought this would be a great place to share your thoughts about God's word and how it impacts Warrior Poets.
I can't wait to hear from you.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, here is the link....
During that sermon, John talks about viewing Christ as the warrior he is. Obviously, as Christians, we are not all meant to kick down doors and shoot the bad guys, but we are all called to fight evil in the world. How did Christ fight? He fought by dying. We are commanded to do the same. We must die to our old selves and be born again through the waters of baptism. Doing so makes us look a little more like Jesus Himself. When we truly die to ourselves, we can more effectively do the work and fight the fight God calls us to. Frank E. Peretti writes a book called "This Present Darkness". It is a fantastic fiction about spiritual warfare. We must learn how to spiritually fight similarly as the characters in the book do. We can only learn to fight, however through training. We train through prayer, through scripture, and through seeking God's grace. Don't forget to train your spirit as you also train on the range!
I want to encourage anyone reading this to more thoughtfully and intentionally pray for yourselves, for your families, and for others, that all may come to know Christ. Be willing to say the truth despite the world we are in today. Fight for the truth, fight for your families, fight for your faith.
There's much more to say, but I hope my main ideas are made despite my little detail. For your body, mind, and spirit:
Train Hard, Train Smart
Man, I appreciate what he had to preach on. I did not grow up in the shadow of the Cross. Grew up Catholic. Purgatory. You have to pay or pray your way out. Wasn't taught the War Capt, the Warrior etc. Wasn't given that example. I became a Christian shortly after John did, June 10 of 01. I'm still trying to learn to be the warrior to look yo my war capt. Thanks Noah for posting that message. Thank you John for preaching it