Body Transitions Behind Cover
Warrior Poet Society - Archive
Gunfighting 101: Body positions behind cover or concealment with tactics and firearms instructor John Lovell. This video shows you how to move your body behind cover while maintaining balance, speed, proper use of angles, and a fluid transition as you vary your use of cover.
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Bail Out Bag | Get Home Bag
Be the RENAISSANCE MAN of Lethality
Former Army Ranger and war veteran John Lovell discusses the importance of being lethal on all fronts, not just with firearms. It is important to build skills in all areas of survival, community, and spirituality. When we forget to develop fully, we grow complacent and eventually pay the price in...
Avoiding Attackers | Tips for Women
There are many videos on women's self-defense techniques on YouTube and most of them are really, REALLY bad. In reality, the best weapon a woman can use against an attacker is the knowledge of how to prevent an attack in the first place, and oftentimes this is easier than many people would imagin...