John demonstrates the proper technics to draw a gun from your holster and then reholster it. There is a review of multiple holster setups. A quality holster with trigger guard protection is vital to pistol self defense.
Up Next in Season 1
Chapter 3 | Fundamentals Part 1
John reviews the basic fundamentals of how to hold a gun, proper trigger control, shot anticipation, sight alignment, and sight picture. It starts with the proper stance, how to properly hold your weapon.
Chapter 3 | Fundamentals Part 2
John demonstrates the basics of pistol sight alignment with a review of sight fundamentals. Sight picture brings the target into focus and teaches you how to properly aim. Understanding your trigger action is also key.
Chapter 3 - Fundamentals Part 3
John teaches the keys to overcoming shot anticipation through a proper mental approach and trigger technics. Dry fire exercises help prepare you to be accurate when it's time to throw lead.