Military Arms Channel
Military style small arms are an important part of our culture and freedom. We celebrate military history and our 2nd Amendment rights here at MAC by bringing you to the range to shoot with us via a camera. Join us on the range!
Basic ground rules:
I don't care if you disagree with me or if you express that disagreement tactfully. Trolling, hate speech, attacking others in the comments will result in a ban if I see it. Let's keep it civil and fun!
Full Disclosure:
Most of the ammo used on the channel is donated by Federal. Oddball ammo I buy. T&E guns have been used over the years in videos but most are guns from my collection, my cameraman's collection or from friends. At this time MAC is crowd funded by Patreon. ( All commentary are opinions based on our experience with various products.
CRAZY air rifle with 3600 psi - Umarex Komplete NCR
The Russian PP-19 Bizon at home.
My EDC - The Bul Armory EDC
BCM AR15 9200 rounds with no oil or cleaning!
New production StG44: MP44 in 8mm Kurz is here!
Testing the SIG SPEAR in 6.8x51!
Wild Mexican Machine Pistol - The Trejo
The worlds smallest and lightest AR15 - the GOAT 15
M855A1 Take 2 - It's not fake fellas
Test: M855 vs M855A1 is the M855A1 really that good?
Sig P365 gets an update: P365 FUSE
New Sig Legion Raider P320
AR15A2's are back! A buyers guide to the latest A2's.
Is Kalashnikov USA gone?
BCM AR15 - 8600 Rounds NO OIL & NO CLEANING
Why I won't carry the CZ Shadow 2 Compact.
Should 300 Blackout replace 7.62x39?
Best SHTF rifles have changed - What's the best now?
Dedicated Quad Stack AR15 lower - DT Quattro
Dressing up the new Remington 870 - Woox
Craziest Gun Safety Device I've seen - GOSAFE
Picking the wrong defensive rifle.
The Daniel Defense H9 - Formerly the Hudson 9
The New H&R M16A1 Rifle Is Here!