Risk Analysis, Threat Profiles, & Reporting EP6
Church Security Planning
It is not enough to tell your church security team members to look for threats. Truly, team members need to constantly be learning of vulnerabilities, new risks, and past and present incidents. Also, it is paramount that the different types of threats are known so they can be quickly identified.
Up Next in Church Security Planning
Security Team Plan for Times of Assem...
Step 5 details all the different security team positions and the role of each position. This step is essential for getting an overview of where everyone is during assembly times and what they are doing. Furthermore, this step lays the groundwork for certain team SOPs (standard operating procedures.
Security Team Training EP4
Do not think you can just grab a bunch of security-minded congregation members and say ‘WAH-LAH’ we have a team!! There are too many things that can go wrong, and like any successful organization, all teams require work, thought, and attention. Training should be required and should be thought of...
Weapons Policy EP3
Weapons may mean firearms or the use of non-lethals such as tasers. This topic is a tough one because church leadership must weigh liability issues, potential active killer scenarios, qualifications, state and local laws, and a whole host of other concerns. This video will help church leadership ...